LS18 / Bristol Gaol to Bridge

Bristol Gaol to Brunel's Bridge traffic free

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Bristol Harbourside is the heart of Bristol, Brunel's Suspension Bridge over the Avon Gorge is the symbol of Bristol. This ride links the two via a largely traffic free route.

The route starts at the Mud Dock Deli, on the site of Bristol's old Gaol. Prepare yourself for the ride with a coffee at the Deli!

The route runs down to the back of the M Shed, Bristol's industrial museum, and follows the old railway route out of the city.

The path that follows the New Cut, where the diverted Avon flows, is known locally as the Chocolate Block Path.

At the old tobacco warehouse the route follows the Festival Way into Ashton Court, bequeathed to the people of Bristol.

Although the hill up through the park is hard work it's easy to distract yourself with the two deer enclosures and stunning views across the city.(If you're on a mountain bike there's also a well signposted trail around the park, very popular with Bristol riders!)

The road passes the old manor house and leaves the park through the grand gate house on top of the hill above. Crossing the road via the cycle/pedestrian crossing outside of the gatehouse the route joins the road to run down to the suspension bridge.

The ride ends at the viewing point which is on the right-hand side of the bridge, looking down over the city. The viewing point on the other side of the road offers views along the Avon Gorge. Across the bridge is Clifton village with boutique shops, delis and cafes.

Ride Highlight Photo
Ride Highlight Photo