LS09 / Pyrenees - a lesser known Col

88km up the Aubisque

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This is the first of a Pyrenean three.

Riding loops in the Pyrenees is tricky without riding huge distances. This route climbs three cols in a loop and an out-and-back stretch up to the Aubisque.

The ride starts and finishes in Arrens-Marsous, from the drinking water pump in the square outside the church. After following the main road downhill from the village and through the next two villages in the valley, in Aucun the route turns right to Bun and runs through the lanes to the back of Argeles Gazost. Heading out of town on the old road West turn left up to Ouzous and Gez, where you turn right. This is just the start of the lesser known Col, the Col de Spondelles - this may not feature in the Tour, but perhaps it should…

Descending from the Spondelles (not your typical Pyrenean descent) turn left on to the bottom of the Col du Soulor, direction Ferrieres. 13 hard kilometres to decide if you want to complete the ride to the Aubisque or turn back down the more popular side of the Soulor… think about it.

Ride Highlight Photo
Ride Highlight Photo